5 April
My feelings can't find a place… It's not an end-of-the-world movie, it's 2022, the 21st century, the center of Europe.

I couldn’t even expect that the liberation of our territory would not be a good new, but the tragedy that befell us all.

It is hard to imagine how these people, my people, might have felt. I can only guess that, Save God, if I were there, I would probably wish I were dead. These crimes are not even against Ukrainians, they are crimes against all humanity, against what the word "humanity" means. This is genocide and atrocity.

I probably won't surprise most of my friends, but there's a small chance that someone who didn't know this before - will read this facts:

The following locations are pictured - Bucha, Irpen, Gostomel (Kyiv region):

- Male civilians of these cities were tortured (remember that we don’t know how long and how brutally they could torture all these people), then killed, shot.
- Girls, women, children (some of them under 10 years old) - were raped (for days), beaten up and then killed.
- There were cases of people set on fire (probably they were alive)
- Many elderly people were also shot
- Even their pets were shot

Of course we are not even talking about the fact that people were under constant bombardment in conditions of humanitarian disaster, without food and water…

If you still have not realized enough the scale of the tragedy - just imagine that the people on the photos - could have been your mother, father, daughter, your love and even your cat…

More than anything, I want every drop of spilled Ukrainian blood to fall heavily on the shoulders of every citizen of this piss-poor fucking hellhole for centuries…